Effects of long term lighting


New Member
Jan 12, 2005
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Hello out there! I'm new!

I just went on a holiday for about 8 days, leaving my fishtank in the hands of my brother, thinking that things should be ok. I was wrong :( he left the tank light on the whole time i was away. This left me with some very murky water and an algea infested tank :no:

The murkyness turned out to be floating algea which i fixed easily by leaving the lights off for a day to kill it, i was just wondering if there are any other nasty surprises i should be looking out for that could have arisen taht might be less obvious, especially on the fish. I also had to take out 2 plants which had died, not really sure if it was related or not.

I would do a gravel vac and water change, as I bet he over fed them.
as suggested, do a large water change (30-40%)

Lighting will kill plants if left on forever
it will stress the fish out so you might wanna take a close look at your fish to make sure there is no ich about to invade the tank!
Thx alot guys :D

Ill do the water change today, as for the ich looks clear atm but ill keep an eye on them for a while.

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