

Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2003
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my bichir swam up the filter tube and i dont have an eel anymore. i was wondering what other kind of bichirs are out their. i have heard of snangled( i had that kind) and i have heard of ornates and thats all i have heard of. any other help would be greatly apreaceted. thanks. oh yah one more question are the bichirs LEGAL in the US. if you have any info on the eels can you find a pic of it or a link to a pic thanks again.:band:
Check out Armoured Birchir ( P.delhezi ), Ornate Birchir ( P.ornatipinnis ), Senegal or Cuvier's Birchir ( P.snegalensis ) and Marbled Birchir ( P.palmas ). If you are looking for Eels take a look at some of the smaller species of Asian Eels like Peacocks. Keep in mind that alot of those Birchirs will get to big for your tank.
A 29 gallon is too small for a Birchir. Try a Half banded Spiny/Peacock Eel.
Bichirs can get quite large so,if you want one you might want to think about a larger tank,as for pics check the link in my sig


David :fish:
are there any smaller species of birchir that i could keep in my tank with my cichlids and does the bog wood really make the tank that orange color and where can i get some?
how common are these to find:
Ornate (polypterus ornatipinnis)
Armoured (polypterus delhezi)
Senegal (polypterus senegalus)
marbled (polypterus palmas)
Saddled (polypterus endlichri)
i really liked my first one and i want to get another one. could you please let me know how long these eels get in length i really liked the Armored bichir the most.thanks again:band:

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