

New Member
Dec 21, 2003
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Hello ppl,
Anybody know anything abt eels? i saw a couple of them in my lfs but my dealer doesn't know much abt the eels except that they're...eels. :look:
They're abt 5 inches with a long pointy snout...and a few yellow rings on it's dorsal surface..
Anybody got a clue what kinda fish are these?
shaheen84 said:
Hello ppl,
Anybody know anything abt eels? i saw a couple of them in my lfs but my dealer doesn't know much abt the eels except that they're...eels. :look:
They're abt 5 inches with a long pointy snout...and a few yellow rings on it's dorsal surface..
Anybody got a clue what kinda fish are these?
yes they are some kind of spiney eel (Family: Mastacembelidae) I'm not too sure from your description about what kind it is, I personally have 3 species of these, here is my Tyre-Track one

They can get quite big, they are kinds fussy eaters often only accepting bloodworms, and shrimp, and small fishes...

they are usually nocternal, but this species in the pic are more likely to become active during the day if food is likely to be about, they are very interactive fish, almost as much as cichlids and I am a big fan of them, Oh and they are not true eels ;)
Yes, they're basically fish shaped like an eel. They are too fussy and cause alot of trouble which drew me away from them. Bad Points:-

1. Fussy Eaters
2. Escape Artists
3. Burrowerers (Undigs ornaments/plants, etc.)
4. Troublemakers (Get snouts stuck in small things)

ALTHOUGH - If you have the managebalisationality to take care of them - Their nice of course.

I love them, but I am into Rays more than eels now. :D
Eelzor said:
wow, that's some fancy wordage :lol:

I have a spiny eel and I'm not sure what kind he is.
I've yet to positively id, he doesn't resemble any that I've seen in pictures but I think he's awesome. I've had it for about 8 months.

He IS picky about food and will only eat live brine, other than that though he's fabulous. Very friendly, he'll always slink up to the glass when we peek in. He crawls into the brine net when I feed him and lays on the gravel while I pet him during water changes.

I have a suspision that he's been killing my kuhli loaches though, they've been dropping like flies and he does have quite a strike when he's mad hit from him and the kuhlies are goners. He never had a particular fondness for them since they would try and get in his cave -_-

I say...if you have the space to house one,go for it! :wub:
Thanks mates!

Though i've found what kinda eel is...Peacock eels.. No offence to eel-lovers, but they look kinda .. :crazy: . However i've found an interest in Snake eels..cute lil' things. Only thing is i want some 'moving' creatures swimming around my tank.. so if they're just gonna burrow themselves or come only when it's dark..well.. :no:
Thanks anyway guys :)
shaheen84 said:
Thanks mates!

Though i've found what kinda eel is...Peacock eels.. No offence to eel-lovers, but they look kinda .. :crazy: . However i've found an interest in Snake eels..cute lil' things. Only thing is i want some 'moving' creatures swimming around my tank.. so if they're just gonna burrow themselves or come only when it's dark..well.. :no:
Thanks anyway guys :)
the peacock eel is not as easy to look after as other spiney eels, I would not reccomend them - fire eels and tyre-track eels are much easier
wuvmybetta said:
Eelzor said:
wow, that's some fancy wordage :lol:

I have a spiny eel and I'm not sure what kind he is.
I've yet to positively id, he doesn't resemble any that I've seen in pictures but I think he's awesome. I've had it for about 8 months.

He IS picky about food and will only eat live brine,
tye prawns and also bloodworm/frozen bloodworms, also send me a pic for an ID if you want
Innes said:
shaheen84 said:
Thanks mates!

Though i've found what kinda eel is...Peacock eels.. No offence to eel-lovers, but they look kinda .. :crazy: . However i've found an interest in Snake eels..cute lil' things. Only thing is i want some 'moving' creatures swimming around my tank.. so if they're just gonna burrow themselves or come only when it's dark..well.. :no:
Thanks anyway guys :)
the peacock eel is not as easy to look after as other spiney eels, I would not reccomend them - fire eels and tyre-track eels are much easier
Hey Innes, is it true that other eels are easier to take care of? Do you know which ones exactly other then the fire eel and tire track?
Only thing is i want some 'moving' creatures swimming around my tank.. so if they're just gonna burrow themselves or come only when it's dark..well..
Thanks anyway guys

If you want something like this, why not try some kinda kulhi loach..I got a black kulhi and he is crazy and great fin to watch, as soon as i find another one I'm going to get him some friends, but they will give life to your tank..?
Black Ghost Knifes also give alot of wonder to your tank, or ray-finned creatures for that matter.
Eelzor said:
Black Ghost Knifes also give alot of wonder to your tank, or ray-finned creatures for that matter.
ghost knives are big fish - too big for most tanks, the fire and tyre-track eel would be my reccomendations, especially the fire as they seem less aggressive, and do better with other eels, freshwater morays are not a good idea, and they are not really freshwater either....

as said kuhli loaches, but they tend to hide all day and are rubbish fish to own, and also weather loaches are eel like and very easy to keep, but they are coldwater....

I would most reccomend fire eels
Fire eels are huge though! They get 40 inches! The Black Ghost is no more then 24 inches even.
Hi I've found trye tracks the easiest to keep, Fire eels can be fussy eaters.
Also tyre track are a bit smaller than fire eels

As for tank size eels are very flexible so you can get away with a smaller tank than normal. They are great fish and in time become hand tame.

David :fish:

david27 said:
Hi I've found trye tracks the easiest to keep, Fire eels can be fussy eaters.
Also tyre track are a bit smaller than fire eels

As for tank size eels are very flexible so you can get away with a smaller tank than normal. They are great fish and in time become hand tame.

David :fish:

the reason I suggest fire eels over tyre-track eels is they go better in groups and with smaller fishes,

My fire eel is 12" and was bullied by my tyre-track eel (10") so I had to move it, it now lives with neons, a peacock eel and other small fishes...

my tyre-track eel however cant live with these fish, it even once took down an angelfish :eek:

peacock eels are smaller than tyre-tracks, but they seem to be poor at getting to their fod so they dont eat much, also they seem to be fragile in new tanks and often die within days :-(
Innes said:
as said kuhli loaches, but they tend to hide all day and are rubbish fish to own
I had three kuhli loaches and they were one of the most active fish I ever had, they swam up and down the side of the tank all day long, and then at night they snaked through the gravel looking for lost tidbits.
but they are delicate (although thats only what I've read, the reason mine all died was because my stupid LFS forgot to tell me that a disease was going around in the tank they were being kept in, and they died within a week when I got them).
I would recommend these to anyone who had a small fish community.

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