Eels for my 42g hex aquarium?


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2004
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Was thinking about getting 1-2 fire eels for my 42g hex aquarium which has the following fish: 2 Angel fish, 2zebra danios, 1 lepoured danio, 2 common plecos, 4 albino cory's, 1 bala shark, 1 dojo, 2 dwarf guramis,5 tiger barbs. The eels would not eat any of these would they? The albino's are armored so i dun think they would be in any danger and the zebras are pretty big and tend to stay at the top so i think they would be ok as well right? :thumbs:
You are already over stocked with two common plecs and a single bala shark (which should be kept in groups of 3 or more) i wouldnt advise adding any more fish
way over stocked the plecs get 18" i think and balas like to shoal and they get 12"
Just what I was going to say. You need more danios, they are a schooling fish. Same with balas. And I am surprised your barbs leave the angels and gouramis alone, They tend to be very aggressive towards fish with long fins, especially if you have less than 6 of them.
On top of the stocking, fire eels will not likely get along with more than one per tank. Also they can get to about 40" when fully grown, so many of your smaller fish would end up as tasty snacks for a healthy growing eel.

Its more ideal to keep fire eels in longer tanks, not high ones.
I also have to agree that you may want to reconsider your stock.
ie. return the bala (not enough swimming space in a hex + like groups)
maybe get more danios
maybe ditch the barbs (depending on how nice they are to the others)

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