*eek* One Of My Silver Sharks Died


Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2004
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Adelaide, Australia
one of silver sharks died and i had them for about a year and then last week i walked in and my dad was fishing one of the sharks out saying that one had died and now i don't know what to do

i know it's best to keep them in groups but the sharks that i have are kinda big and i was worried about putting in some smaller sharks are they going to be ok ? the sharks that are in there are a good 6-8 inches and there's only 2 of them now.

i was thinking maybe getting 2 more but i'm worried about the size ~!* help please :)
we have two larger bala sharks, and one smaller one.. the two larger ones tend to buddy up, leaving the smaller one to itself :-(
i reckon that if you bought two smaller ones they should keep each other company. you won't have any problems with the larger ones bullying, coz these fish really are very peaceful!
you can buy larger ones, but they tend to be pretty expensive! :)
How many gallons does your tank hold and hwat and how many fish does it have? Bala sharks can live for 15yrs and can grow to a foot long, so if yours only lasted a year you need to find the source of the problem of why it died.
it's a 6 foot 180 g tank

4 angels
3 clown loaches
1 syndontis euruptus (sp?)
1 rainbow shark
2 Bristlenoses
2 silver sharks
(i hope i didnt' forget anything)

i think it may have been the smallest of the sharks that died but it didn't look sick, it wasn't being harrassed, it just died .....

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