Eek. Fin Rot.


Sep 23, 2005
Reaction score
Vancouver Island, BC
I just saw that one of my b's has fin rot. His fins are all shredded and he's having troubles swimming. I've put him in a clean jar, added some melafix and a pinch of salt. This is my first time dealing with it, is there anything else I can do for him? :/
Nah, that's enough, so long as it hasn't progressed to the point where it reaches his body he'll be cool. You can also make sure that his water is warmer, that'll make him happy.

My betta had fin rot when I first got him, almost a year ago. All I did was keep his water really clean, and he got better all on his own.
Mela-fix and salt should do the trick. But keep the water really clean during the treatment period. Scoop up any dirt and up the water changes.
Ugh.. Well he's dead. That was the worst flush I've ever had to do, he's so large and his body was so.. hard and slimey in my hand :crazy: (I don't use nets, I just use my hand). I just want to confirm this was fin rot so I'll post a picture.. Warning, kind of gross.


Was he in with any other fish? If not, it was either finrot or he shredded his fins on something... how much Melafix did you add?
Was that his natural color? A fish will not die that quickly because of finrot. Finrot could have been a manifestation of another more serious disease.
He was alone in a 2.5g. The jar was filled with 5.4 litres then I added 1 cc(?) of melafix.


That shows how much I put in cause I'm not really sure what cc is.

This was his natural color, ral,

I don't think the malefix did him in. Most likely he has some internal bacterial infection. This weakened him and made him susceptible to finrot.

Sorry for your loss. :-(
November hasn't been kind to our forum members. -_-

You did everything you could.

Melafix doesn't generally kill bettas, so I don't believe it was your dosing. I've dosed my bettas at full strength on several occasions, never having read until just this week that it's not good at full strength for bettas. It's just refined tea tree oil, some people don't even think it works, as it's just a mild antibacterial.

Ah, poor kid. :(

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