Eeep I used the wrong cup!


Mar 11, 2004
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Virginia, United States
Well I was doing a water change and I took half the water out of my little tank with the betta and dumped it everything was fine so far. Will I have a cup I use to take the water from the bucket and scoop it out and dump it in the little betta tank. Will I also had a cup that had orange juice in it sitting on my desk. Well I poored the water into the tank and dumped the bucket into the 10 gal I noticed my "fish cup" was still sitting on my dresser. So apparently I used the cup that had OJ in it to dump the bettas water in. The cup was pretty much empty but there was a couple drops in it I'd say less than 5 ml so do you think this could adversely affect my betta or the 10 gal tank since I had the cup in the water that went into both tanks?

Sorry I'm just kinda rambling on but I'd hate to think my stupid little mistake could hurt my fish.
yeah I doubt it would hurt it considering the cup went into 3 gallons of water in the bucket then part of the water went into the betta tank and part into the 10. It was actually a mixed fruit juice though with grape, carrot, apple, passion fruit, and some others I think from concentrate. Don't know if that makes a difference. I'm lucky it wasn't something worse like soda wouldn't be too good for them I imagine. :S

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