EeeEk!! His tail is gone!


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
ARRRRGGGGHHH! I swear there's always something going wrong. I got too excited when I had almost a week with no bad luck. Annnyways, help! My long finned Zebra Danio has half his tail missing!! :blink: I noticed this evening that a huge chunk was gone from his tail - almost the entire bottom half except for very bottom lower part where there was a thread which showed how much was actually gone. Went back a half hour later and that thread was gone... plus a bit more. :sad: A bit more than the entire bottom half is now missing... thankfully not all the way to his body but almost. I don't have a CLUE what could have happened?! Everyone in the tank is listed in the sig... but they've all been happily coexisting for a long time. Also - about a week ago I noticed another of these guys has a chunk missing, thankfully his hasn't gotten any worse. Anyways, the only thing that has changed in somewhat the near past is the addition of a different plastic plant about a month ago. Seems odd that all of a sudden they'd be catching themselves on it though, doesn't it? I took it out anyway... just in case. I'm so freaked out that I haven't fixed the problem and they'll keep ripping themselves. Any suggestions for what do do for the poor wittle guy? Or what to do in the tank? I also started adding Melaxfix, that's all I could think to do. Thanks.
I have seen people with there fishes tails gone. Usually it is an accident or just a little fight. It will grow back. But analyse this, if they recover after a while, put the plant back in and check if they still get cut, but if they still get cuts even when the plant is gone then it is probably some fights brewing.

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