Eeeeek Oscar Fight! Bruises!


Fish Crazy
Nov 20, 2004
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Isle of Wight U.K.

I got a new tank a few weeks ago with a year old Tiger Oscar in it..... His tank cracked this evening so i have had to shift him in temporarily with my 9 month old Albino Tiger Oscar.... We now have BIG TIME fights (The Contender style) My Albino Has a bruised face after locking Jaws with the tiger and the Tiger has lost his colour!
I've put a partition between them for the time being but they're really taunting one another now.... by taunting i mean practically sticking their tongues out and etching death threats on the partition!!!

Do you think they'll be ok until i can get to the shop tomorrow morning or am i going to lose them through stress? they were in together for 2 hours before i put the partition up.

Kaz x-x-x-x-x
Can you block the partition off with some plastic so they can't see one another.
Do you have a big plastic container like a toy box or something you could put him in with a heater and airtstone.
maybe keep the light off and cover the tank completely and fool them into thinking its night time until you get the new tank set up, hopefully they will sleep.
black angel said:
maybe keep the light off and cover the tank completely and fool them into thinking its night time until you get the new tank set up, hopefully they will sleep.
hope that does the trick.
Might have to try that one.... i don't have a container big enough to keep one of them in over night!
Wish me luck..... I can't handle another pet death this weekend. I had to have one of my chipmunks put down this morning because he fell and broke his spine, he paralysed himself. Poor begger. :rip: Dale

Kaz x-x-x-x
Or that's awful, poor thing, fingers crossed, Ri.P. little fellow.
Quick update...... The oscars are now fine and in seperate tanks again now!

When we had our chipmunk (Dale) put down on Saturday we came home to find his cage-mate looking very lonely. Was at a loss as to what to do for her.... The only thing i could think was to get her a new cage mate quickly, typically i fell in love with 3 baby Chipmunks and got them all!!!!! She is now playing mum as they have only been away from their own mum for a day!

Kaz x-x-x-x-x :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
Or that's sounds so cute, glad you had abit of a happy ending, love to see some pics.
Great need a cute little fury animal fix, they sound adorable, how do they mother them does she pick them up.
Wilder said:
Great need a cute little fury animal fix, they sound adorable, how do they mother them does she pick them up.
No she keeps watch on them and nudges them around..... She's getting a lil hacked off with them at the moment though cos one of them keeps trying to mount her! :rofl:

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