EEE! Help!

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Fish Crazy
Jan 20, 2005
Reaction score
Manchester, NH
I just did fin-rot surgery on my beloved betta boy cause his fin rot was nearly to his body and wasnt getting better with meds. I did it exactly as it says on Bettatalk...but now he is in the tank and cant seem to get to the bottom. He keeps trying, but then floats right back up to the top. I used hydrogen Peroxide...and now his fins seem like they are holding on to tiny air bubbles. Read here how I did the surgery. Help! I am considering right now just lopping off the ends of his fins to get rid of the infected part. Would this kill/seriously injure him? EEEE!
fin surgery is to be done as a last resort, shouldn't be done excessively. if u have done it alredy, continue his med treatment, add an airstone, salt, and do 50% water changes once a day until he is better. this will take time and patience, i dont know how much finage u left him but he's gotta have some left to swim and the prosedure is very distressing for the critter, shouldn't be done much.
:( ...You might want to put him in something larger than a gallon to prevent the air stone from creating too big of a current. If he is finless, the current might be too strong, but he may need to breath through his gills if he can't swim.
this is true, if u use an airstone in a 1g, out a gage on it so that u can turn it down low enogh so that he isn't getting tossed around.
Well, added a airstone with a guage...have it real low. Added salt and bettafix. He is struggling real bad, but at least he is breathing ok. He is floating sideways at the top, and keeps trying to go down. -sigh- Also, he had fin rot....but I noticed as I treated him he developed a fuzzy growt on the ends of 2 of his fins. That isnt a normal sign of finrot is it? Cause it looks almost like columnaris but only on his fin tips??
sounds like he might be constipated witch might have led to swim bladder infection my betta boy has it now to heres a good site for itclick here now im not possitive but read it and judge it for yourself hope that helps :thumbs:

were rootin for ya little guy :thumbs: :D
Sounds like swim bladder disorder. Immediately lower the level of the water or he very well may drown. Put literally just enough water to keep him wet but he won't have to struggle so hard to get air.

I'm dealing with a new rescue with a severe case of swim bladder right now that I'm just on my way to post about in case you want to read my method of treatment for this.

Hope both our guys pull through. Good luck!
Sad news, after a full night of struggling....he passed away. :( I only had him for less than a week....but I was attached. I cant ever seem to save my fish when they get sick, its like I am cursed. They get sick, and no matter what I do they will die. :X
Aww :( RIP lil dude... and keep your head up, things happen, and you learn from them. maybe you should try getting your betta from a different source? if yours keep getting sick?
Its not just my Bettas. All my fish, like my tetras, gouramis ECT. I am just un-lucky I guess

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