Edit Option In A Post


Dec 27, 2010
Reaction score
Gloucestershire, UK
The 'edit' option in a post seems to have gone.
For good? My spelling's usually terrible
My spelling is also attrocious :look:

But thankfully my edit button still works!
Is it a new timing thing? After I read this I had a look at my posts. I don't post that often, but a new post made today has the edit button, but the previous one from 2 days ago doesn't. Has the forum been changed so you can't edit a post after x hours?
I think you've got it there essjay.

you'll need to ask a Mod if you need access.
i can edit this post
but not one a made 2 hours ago.
in fact, i couldn't edit a different post 10mins after it was made.
Is it a new timing thing? After I read this I had a look at my posts. I don't post that often, but a new post made today has the edit button, but the previous one from 2 days ago doesn't. Has the forum been changed so you can't edit a post after x hours?

An hour and a half later and the edit button has gone. Maybe it just stays long enough to correct a spelling mistake if you spot it straight away, but doesn't allow you to alter anything later in case you change or delete something someone else has read.

Edit: It does allow you to edit immediately after posting, I've just done it
Maybe it just stays long enough to correct a spelling mistake if you spot it straight away, but doesn't allow you to alter anything later in case you change or delete something someone else has read.

10 mins would appear to be the cut off.
Maybe it's a good thing
I've been reloading the page (sad, I know :lol: ) and the edit button vanished exactly on 10 mins afer posting. So if we make spelling mistakes - I type the all right letters but not necessarily in the right order - we'd better start checking our posts as soon as we've made them.

Edit - stu, you posted while I was typing and checking the spelling carefully :lol:
There is indeed a 10 minute edit cut off.

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