Eclipse 3 gallon w/ bio-wheel


Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
Well I got my new tank. Got it put together and added gravel and water. I plugged in the filter and I hear it doing something. But it's not sucking water up into the sponge/bio-wheel. When I take apart the filter and check for water, it's bone dry.

Have I done something wrong?
Well......One thing first of all u kow the thing were u connected..They should be a little stick make sure u put it right in the bottom.
I double checked the magnetic impeller assembly and it seemed fine. It sounds like it must be spinning because I hear this strange noise as soon as I turn on the pump. I dont know what it's supposed to sound like so I'm not sure if there is a problem.

EDIT: I can verify that the magnetic impeller is spinning, but it does not appear to be sucking water up the tube.
Is your water level nice and high? The small ones need a high water level to start and won't pull water if the level is too low.
Water is about 2" from the top of the tank. The tube going down from the pump is 1" from the gravel bed.
2" from the top of the tank... i'm not near mine to go look at where that is exactly. Is the waterline as high as the spot where the water is returned to the tank? If not, raise the level to there. Something else you can try is to plug it into the wall a sec, then unplug, then replug, a couple times. That can get the pump primed. Make sure there is no air trapped in the intake tube also.
you have to fill the filter with water before you turn it on or esle it could burn the motor up.
I added some more water and now its running. I don't have it as high as the water return, but its less then a quater inch away.

Do I really need the long tube on the intake? It seems so long and it takes up a good area of the tank. Can I just cut it or remove it? I worry about his fins getting caught in the intake, but I'd like to give him some more room. Also, think I could plug one of the water return holes so that it doesn't create as much disturbance in the water?
yes-you need the intake tube! if you cut it, the fish could get sucked into it more easily. im sure the tube is very thin-it cant be taking up that much space. anyways-if its closer to the bottom, it can more easily suck up all the junk that settles to the bottom.

can you post a pic?
I cut the intake tube in my Penguin Mini filter. A shorter intake tube means that there will be less disturbance. Raising the water level a bit may also help with distributing the water flow more evenly. How do you mean to plug the water return holes? I've never heard anyone doing this before, so I can't recommend it. But raising or shortening the intake tube should do the trick.
The water has to be about an inch or so less from the top of the tank with an eclipse. Trust me, I have one at home :D !
You can't really fill the motor for the eclipse, they are sealed from the top. Well i guess you could but not easily. You can shorten the intake tube somewhat, but not too much, maybe a couple inches further up. You can also replace the little basket strainer it comes with with a sponge prefilter if you are worried about him catching his fins. You can fill the media area with cut down sponge to get better filtration on the cheap w/o having to constantly replace the cartridges. I considered filling the return area with foam as well to cut down on the splashing but was always concerned it might back up and cause an overflow so i never did try. Keep the water level as high as possible in an Eclipse to minimize surface disturbance.

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