Eclipse 12 problems


Fish Fanatic
Apr 27, 2004
Reaction score
Ashland, VA
Hi all I'm pretty new to fish keeping and am having an issue with my 12 gallon eclipse filters. The water seems to flow excessively causing it to overflow the filter. Obviously this is bad because it bypasses my bio,chemical and mechanical filters. When the filter is new and not saturated with water it works fine. After about a day the water just flows over the filter and into the Bio-wheel chamber. There is no flow control from what I have seen. If anyone has any suggestions I'm open to just about anything. Thanks for listening.
If what you mean is that the water flows over the top of the blue filter pad, that's normal. Once it is saturated, the water will still flow through the filter, but it will give the appearance of "not working", but it is.

I have a few of the 2gal, a 3gal, and the 6 gal systems. This is the way it works. More water is actually going "under/through" the filter than what appears to be on top. Dont worry, it is working just fine.

When you get a thin covering of brown "goo", dont rush to change the filter. That stuff is actually beneficial bacteria. Once it gets thick, then change the filter. You can actually rinse it off in the sink and reuse it. I only do it once per filter, but it can give you an extra 2-3 weeks out of it, depending on how many fish you have.

One way to know the filter is working, look at the water. As long as it's clean and clear, it's fine. Even after the brown "goo" shows up on the filter pad. As long as the water is still clear, dont worry.

And dont change or clean the biowheel. After awhile (1 year for me), you can rinse it off under the sink, but dont clean it. Even if it is spinning alittle slow. The faster the spin does NOT mean the better it works. Only when it gets to heavy from the brown "goo" and spins "off balance" do you need to rinse it. But dont scrub it off, just rinse under cool water.
Rinsing the bio wheel probably isn't a good idea if you use town water and you want to keep the bacteria because the chlorine or chloramine in town water will kill the beneficial bacteria. If you have town water you can just kind of swish it around in some old tank water when you do a water change.
Thanks I was starting to get freaked out. The water is crystal clear but I'm getting nitrIte and nitrAte spikes big time so I thought maybe it was from the water bypassing the filter. Like I said thanks again for the info. This site is great. :cool:
crazywolf said:
Thanks I was starting to get freaked out. The water is crystal clear but I'm getting nitrIte and nitrAte spikes big time so I thought maybe it was from the water bypassing the filter. Like I said thanks again for the info. This site is great. :cool:
I dont usually mess with anything more than PH, chlorine, and temp. But it sounds like the nitrite and nitrate is because your tank is cycling. If it's kind of new, that will happen. Other people can tell you about that better than I can.

What works for one person is not always best for everyone. Some people in here will tell you about testing for all kinds of crap, monitering this, checking that. I have a system and have kept by it for years. I've never had any problems with how I maintain my tanks, though some would say that I dont do enough. Tell that to my Fish that have lived for over 6 years so far with no probs :p

Take what some people say as experience, not the only truth. But, when most people say the same thing, it's usually the best thing to do, or most common.

Hope you enjoy the 12gal system. I really like my 3 and 6 gal system from Marineland. This tank my get you interested in bigger tanks, once you get some experience. B)
Actually a friend is giving/selling cheap to me a 120 gallon long tank 72"long by 22" tall by 18" wide. The stand needs refinishing so I plan to do that and wait awhile before I setup the big of a tank. I have alot more to learn so will just keep my 12 and 10 for now until I feel ready to take on the challenge of a larger tank. thanks for your help.
crazywolf said:
I have alot more to learn so will just keep my 12 and 10 for now until I feel ready to take on the challenge of a larger tank.
Actually, keeping a larger tank, in my POV, is soo much easier than keeping smaller tanks. They are less prone to parameter swingslike Nitrites and Nitrates and also temperature. There is also a lot more selection for fish, and it opens up a lot of options.

If I may suggest, try turning your 120g into an amazon tank with like 40 Tiger Barbs and lots of plants, with some Silver Dollars and TONS of current.... :kana:

hahah thats just my idea of a dream tank :fun:
That does sound cool. Maybe the next 120 gallon hehe. I do love my tiger barbs though. I got some overbred ones before I knew about it however. I'm hoping they grow up alright.
At one time, I had about 50 tiger barbs in a 55gal tank. I had a nice variety of the regular ones, green ones, orange, and the purple ones. Just about every variety I could find. It looked really cool and the fish were quite happy and healthy.

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