Ebay Finds


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won'
Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
Sometimes I surf Ebay, while at work, and come across things off the beaten path (pertaining to fish) that I myself don't have use for or can't afford (this is what usually happens lol) but I feel like some of you guys could possible need/use/want it and just have not seen the Ebay ad (or maybe you didn't know you needed/wanted it but you might after you see it).

I feel like sometimes after I have seen an ad and it has ended that I see several people mention the very things I saw, yet no one had ever bid on them.

So I got to thinking, if we see these great deals, finds, and oddities...should we or should we not post them up? Well I decided to post one I just found.

I don't think every little thing should be posted, but felt if you find something that is really great...maybe we should share the wealth. :look:

Ebay Ad - 10grams of BettaMax
This ad has 3 days remaining and has a "Buy it now" feature!!!

It's for a large bottle of BettaMax. Not those little capsules..but a big tub of the powder. It's getting harder and harder to find BettaMax ( I heard that the company that makes it went out of business or something like that..but what I read was ...you better buy what you see, when you see it, because it's not gonna be around much longer..yikes! :crazy: ).

There's only 1 jar of it, and no bids yet (so the "Buy it Now" option is still avaliable)...that's why I thought I'd post it now.
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if i am correct, this is a med/treatment that many on the forum here recommend? i know it;s different from bettafix/melafix, is it worth $30 plus shipping? :unsure:
Yes, it is a widely reccommended Betta medication.

I'm not sure on how good a deal it is (as I don't know how much a jar of that size would go for in a store). That jar treats 200 gallons of water coupled with the fact you can't find it too many places anymore..was the reason I posted it.

I know several people here breed...I would imagine that a jar that size is what a breeder, not your common fish keeper, might desire.
As far as I know, Aquatronics is still in business. I know of two stores in my local area that still carry their products, although only one carries BettaMax.

There's a storefinder (by state) on their website. If there's one convienient, I'd call and ask. Otherwise, the Ebay route sounds like a good one. :thumbs:

Someone could make a pretty penny by getting some gelcaps and a small scale and repackaging the bulk, and selling that. :hey:
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Generic Acrylic 15 Gallon Tank


Bid is only at $1.50 right now, it does have 6 days to go though :thumbs: .
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