eBay Bettas


New Member
Dec 13, 2003
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Hi everyone! I hope you are all staying warm!
I just wanted to give everyone an update on the 3 bettas I purchased off of ebay.
They are doing GREAT!!! :clap:
Their colors have become so vibrant I can't believe it. I will try and post new pics soon. The red one (that my daughter has named Black and lives in her room) is now in a 1 gallon container all by himself and he LOVES it! The other two (unfortunately) for right now are still in a dual betta hex but I'm hoping to change that this weekend ;) The one that I thought was teal blue is a beautiful rainbow color and is by far the most aggressive or just a big show off, He flares at everything and anything. My daughter named him Rainbow. And last but not least is our royal blue one who's color seems to have deepened. He is very timid but will come and eat food right off your finger tip.
I have a question though, How important is it to have a plant in their tanks? None of them do (right now....)
Oh and just for opinions....
Should I keep the two together or divide them up? I'm wondering if they get tired because they flare at each other all the time.
Newbie4 :fish:
It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to split them up, it will give them more room. You can still make sure that they can see each other a little because it will stimulate them and they won't get bored.

As for plants it's a good idea, even if it's a small silk plant. My betta's love to laze around in the plants. Maybe even a little cave for them to use. If you can't find a cave small enough for the 1 gal, try a small clay pot. Just make sure you clean it real well with hot water.

Again, I am glad they are doing so well. I feel very good that my post gave these three a good home.

Good Luck.

If I remember correctly you had the response post about how you made the tank into a 3 way for your bettas right?

Hey, congrats on your new fish and glad they arrived to your satisfaction. Not sure what you mean by "keep them together"--not in the same tank together. They sell those 2.5 gal. bow tanks with dividers. If you keep fish in shared water, even if it is divided, you'll always run the risk of one fish contaminating the other(s) if it gets sick. You can always figure out how to divide a tank with something the fish can't see through (like opaque acrylic), but it's easier to "card" individual tanks--you just shove a piece of paper (or a book, or junk mail, etc.) so the fish can't see each other. Some flaring each day (15 mins.) gives them a nice session of exercise and adrenaline but you don't want them at it 24/7. They will eventually become blase about each other but may rip up their own fins flaring too much (and too long) at each other all the time. We've found that the fish seem calmer and happier with plants--plastic, silk or especially live. Some plastic plants have sharp edges that will tear your fish's fins so be careful. The silk ones are good--you can sterlize them, they won't die from chemicals so you don't have to remove them if you have to medicate your fish--just make sure you do sterilize them periodically so no bad bacteria, parasites and fungus develops on the plant. Live plants are natural to yoru fish but have their own needs to stay alive (light, temp, nutrition) and you'll have to choose the kind of plant that works iwth your set up. They also provide parasites, fungus and bacteria a place to breed/hide and you can't just plunge them into boiling water (well, you can but you'll kill live plants) or bleach (ditto). But there are ways of sterilizing live plants too, just a bit more involved. I do recommend some plants because they look good and will make your fish feel at home.
I had one of those dual betta hex's that we had two of them in. My daughter and I actually bought a bettascene tank from our lps today and my favorite sales associate gave us a bag of plants for free to put in our tanks. Blue and Rainbow seem much happier with the extra room and plants and "black" (who is actually red) loves the large portion i put in his tank. Now I have the betta hex as a quarantine or separation tank if i need to but so far all is good.
I thought you had a 10g and somehow separated it so no wit houses 3 bettas?
Hi newbie4 :)

I'm glad to learn that your eBay bettas arrived safe and sound. :nod:

It sounds to me like they've found themselves a happy home! :thumbs: :wub:
Yes...I did split a 10 gal three ways. I went to the store and got some craft canvas, used the binding part from the "old-school" report binders (plastic end), aquarium sealant. Divided the tank into three equal sections, cut 4 small pieces of the report binding, sealed them in and waited 24 hours. Cut the canvas to siz, leaving lots of room at the top so the betta's couldnt jump into the other section (hey, it could happen), the slide the canvas into place. I waited to add the stone til I had the canvas into place, then put equal amounts of stone into each section. Added one plant to each section, and some other decor, then filled with water. Waited probably about 4 hours, floated the betta's for 20 mins, then let them lose in their respective sections.

I used the black craft canvas because the trim on my tank is black. They can still see each other through it, but they get use to each other. Anyway...I have two of these types now, and trying to find somewhere to put some more so I can get my others out of their 1 gal kritter keepers.

It is a little harder to clean then a reg. tank, but I bought a python and that works better. Or I guess you could just take the betta's out, take the dividers out and clean that way, but then you have to make sure that the dividers are burried enough so no one can sneek under (it happened to me with a female). If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask. You can find a pic of my first 10 gal in the picture section.

Good Luck
I was going to suggest you could sell them, like on ebay or something. Make a little extra...
I have a tank that is like a diamond shape and am having a terrible time trying to find a divider. how do you get the canvas to stay in the dividers? is it stiffer than regular canvas or did i miss a step reading it? :D

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These are the report binders I was referring to. I guess they are called slide-n-bind report covers. You can find them at wally world. That's where I got mine. I hope that link wors....if it doesn't let me know and I will try it again.
Hi freshwatergal :)

When you say craft canvas do you mean the plastic sheets that you do cross stitching over? This has holes in it and seems like it might be what you mean. If not, what department of a craft store would a non-craftsperson look in to find this? :dunno:
yes...that is exactly what I mean ;) I am not a very crafty person so I didn't know how to explain it very well. I tried looking for a picture of the stuff on the internet but couldnt find what I meant. But you got it on the nose Inchworm. :thumbs:
Thank you! I'll have to run some errands (hehe) I saw about 6 more bettas I wanted to bring home over the weekend!
Oh by the way I saw in the drsfostersmith.com catalog that they have dividers for all different size tanks. but they latch on over the side (so you could remove them) and it seemed like the fish would be able to get over them or something.
Thanks again
Well, those would probably work, but the ones that I "created" were a heck of a lot cheaper. Only $.33 for the craft canvas and about $2 for the dividers. I just couldn't see spending $10 for something like that I know I could make myself.

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