Eating Algae


Fish Herder
Dec 1, 2004
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I saw some rubbernose plecos at the LFS recently and I'm wondering if they are good at eating algae? Is there anything else thats good at eating spot algae, and/or hair algae? I have a 55 gallon with 6 Serpae tetras and 4 Neon Dwarf Rainbow fish.
Any other suggestions too?
I've also seen Golden algae eaters and good?
I dont know much about them but i hear that they are ok algae eaters (rubbernose plecs) but you would need more than one to keep the tank your size algae free.
no golden algae eaters are just colour morphs of CAES and if you know about them, they are a big no no to most fish keepers, i got rid of mine ...terrors!
Geez, so hard to find anything good heh. I can't find SAE's anywhere and there are hardly any oto's around me plus they are week. Only thing in my area are CAE's and rubber nose plecs and sometimes commons.
I've been reading up and since all I really have around is Rubber Plecos and Otos. I'm wondering if I get 2-3 Rubber Pleco and 8 otos if this will help with spot algae on the glass and the otos clean the plants? There doesn't seem to be any fish that I can find that will eat hair algae which is a shame. Any ideas or suggestions?
rosy barbs will eat hair algae.

i wouldn't get both 8 otos and 3 rubber-noses; too much competition. just get the group of whichever you like best.
Ah okay, I'll see what they have and what not. Would 2 of the rubber plecos be okay with cories or what that be a bad idea? Any other ideas?
BOD said:
no golden algae eaters are just colour morphs of CAES and if you know about them, they are a big no no to most fish keepers, i got rid of mine ...terrors!
I've heard.. I've never had any algae eaters before so I'm still working on what I want. Still trying to decide on what I want to do if anyone has any other suggestions. Though I doubt it because I don't have many choices with plecos or algae eaters around me.
I seem to recall a post some time back where someone had great luck using swordtails to take care of a hair algae problem. I've never had a hair algae problem but my swordies take care of any other algaes I've had (on any surface).

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