

New Member
Sep 22, 2009
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I just got a new giant gourami todey. I just saw it eat my cardial (wich had one eye) Is there somthing rong
Giant Gouramis can and will eat small fish at times.

How large is your Giant Gourami and what is the size of your aquarium? These fish can grow upto around 30 inches.
bit harsh as he only asked for help...... :unsure:

as far as i was aware, any fish will usually eat another if it fits into its mouth, so i tend to stick to a rule of thumb, anything big enough to eat, WILL lol
Giant Gouramis can and will eat small fish at times.

How large is your Giant Gourami and what is the size of your aquarium? These fish can grow upto around 30 inches.
It is only about 10cm. The persone at the pet shop said will only grow to about 4in
apparently a giant gourami can also be the three spot, so could do with a pic?

this is a pic of a true giant, and if it looks like yours i think you're a bit buggered to put it politely!


Please post a picture and don't forget to answer the questions as to how big is your aquarium?

I wouldn't rely too much on what the pet shop person has told you as a lot of pet shops will tell you anything in order to sell you something.
Please post a picture and don't forget to answer the questions as to how big is your aquarium?

I wouldn't rely too much on what the pet shop person has told you as a lot of pet shops will tell you anything in order to sell you something.

I have been doing some reserch and I found out that you do get two diferent cinds of gouramis. They look the same but they dont grow as big!


My tank is about 40liters

....Holy **** thats big

Please watch your language! This is a family forum.
if your tank is 40l then a 4" fish is too big anyway - take it back.
You either need to get a much larger aquarium, maybe not possible?, Or, find someone with a large aquarium that would take the fish off of your hands. Are you absolutely sure you can't take the fish back to where you bought it?

In a 40 litre(8.7 gallons uk) aquarium, you are severely limited in what you can keep in it.

We all make mistakes from time to time, but I have found that the one of the best ways to avoid making mistakes is when you see a fish in a store that want to buy, go home and research the fish first and see if your aquarium/existing fish are compatible with it.

As far as I'm aware, there is only one type of Giant Gourami and it's err Giant.

For most fishkeepers, the Giant Gourami is out of the question due to it's size, even if you had a 240 litre aquarium or larger, it would soon out grow it and you'd end up having to keep getting successively larger aquariums, until you simply couldn't do it any longer.

The name of the game here is what's best for the fish and it's welfare.

There are lots of different types of Gouramis and unfortunately your aquarium isn't really large enough for any of them.
good ones are guppies, neons, minnows, (most tetra basically), harlequins, some mollies (as dalmations for eg can get quite big)
All mollies are unsuitable for 40l, in fact all I'd go for is a single male betta and some dwarf cories OR a pair of honey gourami and 5 neon tetras.

You could have a few shrimp with either set up.

Another option would be a single dwarf puffer and 3 otos.
Hi fishfreak24 :)

There are indeed more than one gourami that is referred to by the common name of "giant gourami." That's the problem with using common names. There is a lot of difference between a Osphronemus goramy and a Colisa fasciata yet they are both called giant gouramis for short.

You could keep one in a 40 liter (10 gallon) but it would depend on what other fish you plan on keeping with it. Like other gouramis, it could be somewhat aggressive, as you've already found out. :/

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