Easylife Carbo Or Seachem Excel


Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2007
Reaction score
Hanham, Bristol
hi i wanted to find a souce of liquid carbon i found these on ae.
easy life carbo
seachem excel

has anyone used these before if so which one is better for providing carbon i have a 6 gal nano with 3wpg.............

Just got my new bottle of Carbo two weeks ago so can't really tell yet.

Plants are doing well, especially Mexican oak leaf.

Price id def. cheaper - AE have it on offer right now.
Has anyone ever got it to pearl. I use flourish excel as the only source of CO2 and although all my plants are happy, they have never pearled. I used to use DIY co2 (which i am now against due to costing more than flourish excel in the long run) and although i used to get huge algae problems from the irregular supply, i used to also get lots of pearling.

This is one to watch for the future.

Oh FYO Ark, i have a 15 gall tank and the flourish excel dosage i give the tank is:
5 ml every sunday after the 50% water change
1.4 ml approx monday - saturday.

My riccia dislikes it, but the hornwort grows like no tomorrow and REALLY healthily!

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