easy way to change CC to DSB


Fish Fanatic
Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Philadelphia Pennsylvannia USA
Since my tank is only 2 1/2 months old , and I had been grossly mis-informed by the LFS that sold me my set up . I was thinking about a way to easily change over to a DSB. Do you think it would work if I took out some of the CC leaving just about an inch on the bottom and did about two inches of sand over top of that. I would also take a few weeks to make the total change and of course keep the "removed" CC in the system for a little wile (probably in the wet/dry)
Also I figure I have to rinse the sand first. So would it create less of a "cloud" if I carefully hand loaded it in wet?

I think that would be ok but you might want to ask this on RC for more experiences and more reef-keepers.
umm dont want to be thick but whats cc???? im guessing dsb is deep sand bed?
I was thinking croud control from vid games :)

crushed coral more like it.

Sure you want a DSB? the "American" trend is mostly

Protien skimmer
2-3" sand or CC

1.5+ lb LR per gallon... done.

IMO a DSB in the main tank would just be too much of a pain.
I had more pod growth with the CC than my current DSB. I would stick with what you have

If you do switch, IME there is no way you can avoid a sandstorm, sorry :(

After reading much here and in other forums I have decided to change only part of my tank over to a DSB this obviously will be a type of experiment.
1 to see if I can keep the nitrate and nitrite levels as low as it has been (0.ppm) and 2 to see if the sand will remain relatively where I put it as time goes by. I have already created a rock and shell pile for my pod population to grow in. and after only a few days they seem to be doing nicely. (even with the goat fish nosing his way around) I do like the look of a DSB better than the CC but Hubby is reversed on the subject so that is another reason to keep both.
I'm not sure yet if I am making the change this week end or next but I will keep all informed as to how things go.
:crazy: OK I have been to Home Depot Walmart and Toys R. Us and no one has "Southdown" or "Old Castle" sand.
They do have ...
Home Depot "Play Sand" (yup that's what it says on the bag)
Walmart "Gardeners Choice Play Sand"
Toys R Us "Lighthouse Play Sand "

What is it the sand should or should not have in it I imagine one of these will fit the bill? Home Depot's said it was sterile I think that would be a good thing. Right? :dunno:
Raki, let me look around. Home Depot has changed it's suppliers. They now have Southdown labeled differently. Many have said it is readily available.

Southdown is labelled Carribean Play Sand or Play Sand from the Caribbean. Home Depot does NOT routinely stock it. You have to find a manager willing to order a pallet for you. That tends to happen when you can show him several people willing to buy.

That said, you by no means need to get Southdown sand. The reef tank sand you can get at any lfs or online will do you just fine. The Southdown fad is just that ... a fad, and an unnecessary hassle IME.

But if you insist on Southdown, go to the RC club forum for your area of PA and ask who has southdown and you'll find out (search first). http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.p...light=southdown

I have no problem with pod growth as there are so many scattered shells, rock fragments, etc, that they have plenty of places. You will definitely have that.

I can't see how you will achieve, or maintain, a true half-and-half. It will mix pretty fast. You will need sand-sifters galore (nassarius (lots), fighting conch (1 per 10G), starfish of some sort) to keep it stirred and fresh. Nitrates? Mine have always been zero.

Turn off skimmer and pumps when adding and leave off for a while. Slowly add to the bottom of the tank, best to open bag at the bottom of tank. Good luck.
Found Old Castle Walmart has it under Gardeners Basics says "Old Castle Stone Yard" right by the UPC code.
Did half the tank yesterday very carefully but still kicked up a real sand storm. Fishies didn't seem to mind though and this morning I could see all the way to the back of the tank so they got their breakfast.
I know that the sand is going to eventually migrate into the CC but I'm hopeing that at the extreme ends of the tank it will remain pure CC and DSB . There is a total of six feet between ends so it's possible it will take some time to fully integrate. I hope the "dust" doesn't take too long to settle I don't like the idea of having all my LR covered in sand dust.
I hope the "dust" doesn't take too long to settle I don't like the idea of having all my LR covered in sand dust.

If you have a small, handheld powerhead, you can attach it to your siphon or a hose to blow some of the sand and debris off of the live rock.

Just be careful not to aim the hose straight at the sand bed, or you'll send more sand up into the air. :fish:

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