Easy entertainment for your betta


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
So, I figured out a new way to entertain Jasper today.
I'm going to try it with my boys at home, too.

I had just put lotion on my hands, and set the lotion bottle, which is pretty brightly colored, in front of his tank inadvertently. Then I sat back and watched him inspect that bottle of lotion for a good 20 minutes. He'd swim away, then come right back and inspect it some more. Then I put it away for a while and he went about his normal business of cruising the tank.

Later on, I put my kleenex box in front of his tank, which he proceeded to inspect for a good 30 minutes, and he's still checking it out. He'll swim away, but he comes back over to look every now and then.

So, set something colorful in front of the tank every now and then to give them something fun to stare at and check out.
I noticed that lastnight when I sat the bright blue bottle of melafix next to my male betta's tank. He checked it out for like 10 minutes.

I also have these large marbles I bought at a LFS A LONG time ago when we first had the "family betta" and before I was even into fish and I set one in each of my betta's tank and they can see their reflection in it and it keeps them amused.

I put a more clear one in my male's tank so he can't really see his reflection, just a blur moving around.

My female loves her marble though, she is always inspecting it and swimming around in cirlces. :thumbs: :wub:
u lot ever try'd lava lamp keep it closed after ur bettas has inspected it switch on the lava lamp and watch ur betta going crazy trying to catch it
Grim Reaper said:
u lot ever try'd lava lamp keep it closed after ur bettas has inspected it switch on the lava lamp and watch ur betta going crazy trying to catch it
I don't have a lava lamp anymore. :lol: But I could imagine how excited they would get lol. Mine go crazy when I am pouring in new water and it makes bubbles everywhere, they try to catch them. :p
A lava lamp could be a heat source for a small betta tank too ;)..remember that (laptop ;))
the best entertainment for my ct is to have my husband put his face next to the tank. for some reason ct2 always flares at him & will stare at him until he walks away from the tank.

my 2 who are mangled right now get the best entertainment from flaring at each other through the divider.
I have a retarded sense of humor.
Therefore, if I were you, I'd tell my husband he's scary looking.
The fish prove it.

My Finnigan always flares whenever I enter my office and say 'hello' to him :lol:
Please someone tell me that this is normal?
My sick little boy usually never flares. He only flared like twice when he saw the female sitting in a fish bowl next to his tank.
blue, who is by himself at my office, flares at the betta on the hikari packet...even when it is lying on the desk next to him, not right up against his tank... he's REALLY tough... :flex: ..... :rofl:
:) I've got two males who go absolutely nuts flaring at my cat, Casey. The others just ignore her, but these two will just go nuts when they see her.
Little Amos would flare when he was swimming over to say hi to me every morning. He was the only one of my boys who was that excited to actually see ME, as opposed to knowing they were getting fed.

The little guy only had half a flare.
He was so sweet. I miss him :(

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