hi my uncle kept eagle owls once he had a pair years they bread he had a few young and sold them this was dificult but due to their size they were huge he ended up giving them to a owl sanctuary they were georjus try the link below for cheap birds.
i do know they are not easy to keep and there has been sightings in the uk of the eagle owl they puting it down to weather changeing, then there is the european eagle owl
This eagle owl is the largest and most powerful owl in Europe, about 69 cms (27 inches) in length. It has a large beak and enormous talons but its most noticeable features are the striking orange eyes. It has prominent ear tufts which are raised or lowered depending on its mood. The plumage is mostly mottled but with bolder streaks on the breast.
It takes a range of prey from insects to larger animals such as hares, and even game birds.
i know my uncle had Bengal Eagle Owl's
These smaller Eagle Owls are cheaply and easily obtained, but are nevertheless still capable of holding a full-grown brown hare. Their size and temperament make them a good beginner's bird. They are somewhat difficult to enter, and should be started off on small rabbits, moorhens away from water and squirrels. They are very agile in woodland. he carried out a test with his female tessy and she was able to fly through a nine-inch gap it realy is unreal these birds are lovely good luck im sorry i couldnt inform you much check out the web there is alot of info