E-mail I Received Today!

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
South Africa
Hello Ludwig,

I sent the parcel today. The tracking number is TC 119 002 947 ZA.

In the box are 2 pairs of Fundulopanchax gardneri clauseni Akure. I suggest you set them up as pairs. Fry should appear in the tank. These were young fish I sent that appeared spontaneously in the parentstank, hence their uneven size. Males can be hard on females so just watch out... I'm not sure how sensitive they are to temperature but if you can try keep the tank at about 24 deg C that should be OK.

If the temperature climbs above 26 deg C you may be in trouble. What works well is putting the tank on the floor (preferably a cement floor) and dropping the water level to about 10 cm and aerate vigorously.

Also in the box are 2 pair of Nothobranchius guentheri. I suggest you set these up as a trio and keep the one male as a spare. They are pretty temperature tolerant. Egg incubation will be about 3 to 6 weeksin the summer heat. The fry will need baby brine shrimp or some other live food. The 2 pair will grow much bigger given space and good food. Both species will take dried foods. I will send you some other species later on.

Kind regards

LOL Lud,
So your finally becoming a Killifish owner.
Good news eh! after all this time. Tha'ts the problem with climatic conditions, you only have a short window of opportunity to send fish through the postal service. Every country is different and sometimes it's hard to get it right from one country to the next. But we always manage somehow or other.
Anyway I'm glad the story has now come full circle, being brought to it's conclusion and your getting some killi's at long last.
In fact though... these Killis are comming to me via Ireland from Cape Town South Africa, which is (in any case about 1,700km away from me).....Thanks again for arranging the setup Big C..... Now, (again) I'm the one that is indebted....

It is an overnight Courier deliverance & should arrive at about noon tommorrow.... I am sooooooo looking forward to it as this process has been on the go for almost a year. I AM A KILLIFISH!!!

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