E-mail Accounts


Fred and the Fredettes
Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
London, UK

For many years i have had a Hotmail, getting tired of the amount of junk, getting tired of unsubsribing to stuff i never subscribed to, also i want to really have two accounts, one for pleasure and one for business.

Any recommendations for a nice type of e-mail account that is free and easy to set-up, or are they pretty much all the same?

I am only used to Hotmail or Yahoo.

My ISP is BT but i have never used that for e-mail purposes.

Are they all the same, in terms of your likely hood in getting junk mail?

Over the course of 15 years or so I have had many different email accounts and I am afraid to say that you will get junk email no matter what you use. You just have to depend on your junk folder and spam folder to weed out alot of it.

My AOL account is the only one I do not get a tremendous amount on. You can get free AOL email now too like on yahoo and hotmail.
My recommendation is gmail or googlemail as it is now known.


It currently has 6GB of storage (this is continuously increasing) so you never need to delete anything.

I used to use Hotmail but converted a couple of years ago. I defiantly wouldn't go back.

edit: Forgot to say in the 2+ years i've had it only 2 bits of spam made it to my inbox.
getting tired of unsubsribing to stuff i never subscribed to

An therein lies your problem! Once you do that, your address is recognised as active and it will just get circulated to more spammers.
Just report it as junk and delete.

I have hotmail AND gmail accounts and it's all much of a muchness.
My one hotmail account I use to subscribe to EVERYTHING, hardly ever gets any junk whatsoever.
And my one gmail account I hardly use for anything at all get spammed to high heavens.

So it's the luck of the draw.

Personally, I'm devoted to Hotmail. I've had gmail for years but just don't "feel" it.
thanks Bloo, yeh i know what your saying, i've set my gmail up but havent used it much

it's all these viagra e-mails i get with Hotmail, i just dont need the little blue pills (hang on! how do i know they are blue? LOL)
I recently got a new mail one about 3 weeks back, it end in live.co.uk so i guess its part of msn live.. i have not had one junk mail yet.
Bloo has hit the nail on the head.

I have an e-mail account specifically for spam. I use this when any organisation etc requires my e-mail address.

I also have a seperate one for pleasure which is reserved for family, friends etc. I have never had any spam to this account as i don't give the address to anyone who i don't know for sure i can trust.

Its not about which provider you go with, its about being vigilant about who gets their hands on your e-mail address.

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