One of my large female swordtails is dying, and any advice to help the tank would be welcome!
Last week a small female swordie died: she was barely moving at the top of the tank, then occaisionally moved down to the bottom, and she wouldn't eat. Now, a week apart, another female is doing the same thing. This one looks to have some fin damage, but I have been treating with Melafix for the past two days, especially since a glass cat's whisker looked pretty ragged. I tested some trace amounts of ammonia, and plan to do a partial water change - the last one was Wednesday. I have 2 glass cats, 3 swordies, 2 black tetras, 2 pristellas, 2 cories, and a rubbernose pleco in a 20 gal (us) tall. I'm running a biowheel filter and keep the tank in the mid-70's. No other fish are acting strangely. I have a feeling the female swordtail is going to leave us but I really love my other swordies and don't want to see them die in a week! PS, the male swordie I got at the same time as the female is healthy.
Last week a small female swordie died: she was barely moving at the top of the tank, then occaisionally moved down to the bottom, and she wouldn't eat. Now, a week apart, another female is doing the same thing. This one looks to have some fin damage, but I have been treating with Melafix for the past two days, especially since a glass cat's whisker looked pretty ragged. I tested some trace amounts of ammonia, and plan to do a partial water change - the last one was Wednesday. I have 2 glass cats, 3 swordies, 2 black tetras, 2 pristellas, 2 cories, and a rubbernose pleco in a 20 gal (us) tall. I'm running a biowheel filter and keep the tank in the mid-70's. No other fish are acting strangely. I have a feeling the female swordtail is going to leave us but I really love my other swordies and don't want to see them die in a week! PS, the male swordie I got at the same time as the female is healthy.