Dying Pearl Danio

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New Member
Jun 4, 2005
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Lincolnshire, UK
One of five Pearl Danio's that I have appears to be very poorly indeed. It is unable to swim properly or maintain balance in the water, either floats and hangs at the surface upside down or sinks to the bottom and lies on its side, it has been like this for two days now. It also has a very strange wound / marks on both sides of it's tail just where the fin starts, this looks like damage to the scales and on one side there is a large white spot that looks like something protruding from the scales. This wound has gotten worse since I first noticed it yesterday.

It is resident in a 120 litre Juwel tank (although I have isolated it into a floating bowl) with four other Danios, nine cardinal tetras, five xray tetras, one bulldog pleco, two cory's, two suckermouth catfish and two bamboo shrimp- they have all lived together in the tank for over six months and there have been no new additions since the shrimp two months ago. I have not introduced any new plants for a couple of months either.

I do a two bucket water change every week, changing white filter weekly and carbon filter six weekly and have added nothing other than Stress Coat and Stress Zyme. The current water parameters are: -

NO3 = 25mg/l
NO2 = 0
GH = >16d (this has always been high I think from the rocks in the tank)
KH = 20 d (this has always been high)
PH = 8
Ammonia = 0

These readings have been the same for several months now.

I would appreciate any advice on what I should do for or with this fish as it seems to be quite distressed at the moment. Many thanks!
Issolate him as the white thing on his tail could be a boil, and it could burst and infect the tank, to be completely honest he's not going to make it, they never do when they swim like that and rest on the bottom, sorry, all you can do is make him comfortable.
The deed is done and I feel really terrible now, my husband would normally take care of these things but he is 8,000 miles away at the moment! This is the first time I have killed anything bigger than a spider or fly, I know it was for the best but I still feel really bad about it! RIP Danni!
I no not a pleasant thing to do, at least he's not suffering anymore, sorry R.I.P.

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