Dying Leather Coral?


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2008
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I got my leather coral and it looks dead. its all drooped over and not even inflated. It was healthy looking when i got it and my water is good. :angry: IS it dead or dying?
Pic would be nice.
But I seriously doubt if it's dying.
Leathers are notorious corals for sulking (for want of a better word) If stressed they close up and contort, this can last for days sometimes weeks. They eventually come back as vigorous and as vibrant as ever, mines done it about 4 times already. Watch out as they will secrete a mucus which is full of nasty chemicals which if it lands on other corals can damage them. Use a meat/turkey baster to suck up the white film it secretes. (a form of clensing itself)
Did you acclimate the coral?

Is your lighting more powerful than the lighting from the lfs?

Is the leather in a high/medium/low flow area?

Ox :good:
Ok here's a pic of the leather. Yesterday a big white spot opened up on the top of em. Dont know how to post pics here, so heres a link to it. Leather
I know he is shedding but i doubt this is normal ha ha.
He is in low to medium flow.
He wasnt acclimated to the tank. It was sorta a surprise coral, my girlfriend got it from me. I came home one day and it was in the tank.
Sure dont look too healthy to me. Watch out cus if its dying get it outta there quick before it nukes your tank.
Yeah i took him out.. really didnt want him to kill my whole tank.

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