Dying Kuhli Loaches.


New Member
Aug 16, 2006
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About 2 months ago I bought 3 Kuhli loaches, a few weeks ago 1 of them died. a few weeks later I bought 2 more to add to my tank. Well 2 of them died after being covered in some kind of white film, one of them died under a piece a wood and I didnt notice him for a while and he was covered in white mold by the time I discovered him. and the one remaining one looks like he is starting to get a formation of the white film aswell, any ideas as to what this is? all my other fish are fin its only the loaches that seem to be affected. Although one of my corys has some kind of white growth coming out of one of his gills.

4 tetras
2 striped raphael catfish
1 banjo catfish
1 kuhli loach
1 pleco
2 corys
I dont have water stats as im all out of testing strips at the moment.
Can you post stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
Bacterial to parasite even bad water quality.
Are the fish laboured breathing or flicking and rubbing on things in the tank, like the substrate, ornaments, plants.
Can you post stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
Bacterial to parasite even bad water quality.
Are the fish laboured breathing or flicking and rubbing on things in the tank, like the substrate, ornaments, plants.
I cant because im all out of testing supplies save for an expired kit sitting beneath the tank lol
The only fish that were having trouble were the loaches, all the others are fine except for the one cory who has some kind of white thing sticking out of his side. And the last loach died sometime last night.
no flicking or rubbing from any of the fish, or any trouble breathing.
Can you describe the white thing, was it a parasite or a string of something.
Can you describe the white thing, was it a parasite or a string of something.
I cant tell what it is, its just a small white dot sticking out of his side, he had one on each side of him, but now one side is clear. he doesnt stay still long enough but I think its coming out of his gills.
Corys are more prone to bacterial infections, if there no flicking and rubbing I would treat it as bacterial.

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