Dying Java Fern?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2008
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I recently bought java fern (2 0r 3 rhizomes) and first planted it in the substrate which wasn't a good idea; so i placed it on a fake rock i have to make it look better. I tied it using a rubberband. Now the thing is that when i got java fern, the leaves were brown and still are. Its been like almost a week since ive had this plant. The leaves are brown and a bit shriveled. I have stock lighting that came with my tank. Am i missing nutrients that are good if provided? If so, do mention a name of some brand that makes reliable liquid nutrients.

Lighting: 17W, T8
Tank: 20g
Occupants: Mayaca and java fern along with fish

PS: why is this plant often referred to as easy plant to keep? Its supposed to be hardy right?
buy a fertiliser for it, seachem flourish is good, although with your lighting i would imagine it would get all the nutrients it needs from the fish & waste. It might be chaging from emersed to submerged form.
nope, it was submerged in water when i got it. Also, isant excel bad for plants such as the fern? I read it somewhere..
the plant might of only just come in that day, it can take a few eeks, sometimes months depending on the plant to change.

never heard excel being bad for ferns, it is mainly vallis, ambulia and elodea densa that are the main ones.

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