My two and a half week old bristlenose fry keep dying, i had approximately 60-70 now i have roughly 30 left, they where in a 65litre tank.
Ph 7.4
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 20
With 10-20% water changed evey 2-3 days and a 25-50% water change and gravel vacume every Saturday.
The ones who have died seemed to have swollen stomachs, and become darker then the others. I fed them algea wafer and cucumber.
Ive recently moved the rest into a fry saver and into my 150litre tank, only a few have died since them.
Any ideas on what could be happening to them and what i could do to precent them from dying, this is my first spawn so im not that experienced and i dont want anymore of them dying
My two and a half week old bristlenose fry keep dying, i had approximately 60-70 now i have roughly 30 left, they where in a 65litre tank.
Ph 7.4
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 20
With 10-20% water changed evey 2-3 days and a 25-50% water change and gravel vacume every Saturday.
The ones who have died seemed to have swollen stomachs, and become darker then the others. I fed them algea wafer and cucumber.
Ive recently moved the rest into a fry saver and into my 150litre tank, only a few have died since them.
Any ideas on what could be happening to them and what i could do to precent them from dying, this is my first spawn so im not that experienced and i dont want anymore of them dying