Dying Blood Tetras

Munkys Mummy

New Member
Mar 15, 2007
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I posted a couple of days ago about one of the blood tetras which had a swollen abdomen, we ruled out dropsy, well this morning it was dead which I expected as its breathing was rapid last night. This morning the other fish were fine, well in the last couple of hours I have found 2 more dead tetras, one of which appeared to have a swollen abdomen also but not he other. I have tested the water and the readings are

Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
PH 6.0
KH 0
GH 60

All the other fish seem fine but then again so did the other 2 this morning. I am confused but thats not hard, I am not an experienced fish keeper but do stick to the rules as far as possible on good advice
Do you have an ammonia reading?
How often did you feed?

Anything newly added to the tank?
Any chemicals added to the tank? Such as medications or algae destroyer?
If you have a cycled tank, you should have a nitrate reading. As fishkies asked, what's your ammonia reading?

How long has the tank been up and running and what are the other inhabitants?

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