Dyed Parrot.


Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2005
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Hi guys I posted about a month ago about a dyed pink Blood Parrot I bought as it was taken back to a shop that doesn't stock them. I knew he was going to fade back to his original colour but can anyone help as to whether that is all this is or whether it is a disease of some sort. Thx

As u can see he is a cheeky little git.

Not the greatest of pictures but I think they show what my concern is.
I dont know much about blood parrots, I think they are stunted growth wise if they are dyed. He looks cute tho. What size is the tank?
Hi the tank is 48"x12"x15" 37 gallon. I have just set up a 75 gallon 48"x18"x24" and I am debating putting him in there with other big Cichlids.
Do you mean that all the dyed Parrots have a stunted growth? He is the fish with most personality that I have by far, quite funny watching him get angry at the other fish, nothing to worry about though.

So does anyone have any ideas as to whether I should be worried?
I dont really know what you mean it just looks like a dyed parrot.If it helps heres a pic of my undled BP(Boss).

I don't think you should really be worried.. the color should fade and it should be fine..

I don't really think you can treat it any different then a regular parrot.. Some will just say that it will not live as long as an undyed one.. but who knows.
mind, the dye doesn't just fade overnight. it takes months and sometimes even years for the fish's body to break down the pigments and flush them from its system.
Thx, I knew it was fading slowly which I presumed to be correct. The bit I was worried about was the white around the gills. You can see it better on the second pic. I wasnt sure whether it was just the two colours mixing or it was picking up a disease due to stress. I'm probably just worrying about nothing but I didn't want it wiping out my tank. Thx.
U defo dont have anything to worry about my parrot fish was bright green when i got him now he is a yellow colour with some white bites :rolleyes:
so do dyed fish go to the colour ther ment to be after a while?

also going off topic what are parrot fish like what size tank and stuff do they need?
yep, most dyes are ultimately broken down and flushed from the body of the fish.

a true parrot fish can reach 8" in length and shouldn't be kept in anything less than 40g, in my opinion. other people say no less than a 30g.

a jellybean parrot will probably max out around 6" in length and shouldn't be kept in anything less than 30g.

be warned that even though parrots have deformed mouths which impair their ability to inflict damage, they still tend to be rather aggressive fish and shouldn't be kept with fish that are much smaller.

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