dwarfs havin trouble eatin


New Member
Oct 11, 2003
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southern california
i just bought 2 dwarfs, they are about a cm. i fed them frozen
bloodeworms and they immediately started to nipple at it yet they
cant seem to eat the whole worm cuz its too big and then they seem to
lose interest. will they fill up by just nibbling??? has any of you
have this problem with baby dwarfs???
I've got South American Puffers at the moment (babies) and they started doing the same, give them a few days and see if they're still struggling - maybe the relocation thats stopping devouring the blood worms. You may want to try them on daphne (brine shrimp) as these are tiny enough for anything to eat.
My little guys used to swim around with pieces of bloodworm hanging out of their mouths for 15 mins before they ate them. As long as their bellies aren't looking shrunk in like they're starving and they keep picking at the bloodworm you should be Ok. Keep an eye on them for any changes and as Lithril mentions try some frozen brine shrimp, it may be a better size for them :D
If there are no bottom feeders with the puffers be sure to clean up the bloodworm they let drop to the bottom every day or your tank will get real dirty real fast. I use a turkey baster to do quick cleanups of the bottom :D

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