Dwarf Shrimp On The Way!


Apr 2, 2007
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Vermont, US
Orderd my Cajun Dwarf Crays last night and they will be here early next week 4 Females and 3 males.

I'm going to try and get a breeding colony going. They are kinda hard to find and have heard of several people looking for them. Prolly will be selling some young if all goes as planned.

On a side note, are these crays legal to keep in the UK?
On a side note, are these crays legal to keep in the UK?

In a word "No". However saying that, I've seen them for sale in LFS. The only legal cray here is Cherax quadricarinatus (Red claw cray).
yeah, unfortunatly they are not legal to keep or sell within the UK, if they were i'd probably keep them by now, i bet theres loads of Crays tolerent of the same water temperatures as Cherax quadricarinatus (i think most of the Cherax species available are) and Camberellus actually like warmer water dont they? that are all covered by the law, it doesnt make much sense in my opinion, the only species I agree should be illegal is Procambarus sp marble, as they can survive very cold temperatures, and theres only females, so they reproduce by parthenogenesis, i understand there'd be a problem if they escape, but the laws way too harsh in my opinion.

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