Dwarf Sagittaria


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2005
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San DIego
I have this plant for 2 days. and the leaf edges are browing. running pressurized co2. 2wpg. ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 35ppm. all other plants are cool. the java ferns are growing, but the roots look like they are growing little bitty hairs. dont know what that is about.
I have this plant for 2 days. and the leaf edges are browing. running pressurized co2. 2wpg. ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 35ppm. all other plants are cool. the java ferns are growing, but the roots look like they are growing little bitty hairs. dont know what that is about.
Dwarf sag & Java fern can survive in lower light conditions, so it maybe that the excess light with lack/absence of nitrates is causing this condition.
Dwarf sag & Java fern can survive in lower light conditions, so it maybe that the excess light with lack/absence of nitrates is causing this condition.
He said nitrates were 35ppm. Thats pretty high.

The hairs on the roots of the java fern are normal. The plant is trying to grab onto something. Do you have it tied onto a piece of driftood or something? If you do, and those hairs come in contact with it, they should eventually hold.

I don't have any experience with the dwarf sag. I was thinking about getting some for a new nano I'm setting up, though. :) Browing leaf edges sounds to me like a fert issue, probably not nitrates since yours are plenty high, but maybe iron? Wait on someone else for that because I don't know a thing about ferts!
I bought a few sagittaria plants about two months ago and in the first couple of weeks some of the leaves went brown and then fell off.
The leaves are now all green and I have some new plants growing off this so maybe it just takes a couple of weeks to get going.
Dwarf sag & Java fern can survive in lower light conditions, so it maybe that the excess light with lack/absence of nitrates is causing this condition.
He said nitrates were 35ppm. Thats pretty high.
Oops, read the wrong entry and thought it was 0. :) TammyLiz is right. Your nitrates are more than adequate. Take a look at this page http://www.csd.net/~cgadd/aqua/art_plant_nutrient.htm it tells you how to identify nutrient deficiencies.
I bought a few sagittaria plants about two months ago and in the first couple of weeks some of the leaves went brown and then fell off.
The leaves are now all green and I have some new plants growing off this so maybe it just takes a couple of weeks to get going.

The same thing happened to my dwarf sagittarias when I got them. I bought them in two batches and they both started picking up two weeks or so after they were planted.

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