dwarf puffers

GuppyDude said:
can dwarf puffers be kept in a 2.5g? juts 1, with no other fish?
Personally, I would say 5 gallons is a minimum for 1 dwarf puffer. Some people would say it's OK in a 2.5 gallon, but definitely only one. Dwarfs are very active puffers and love exploring, plus they like to define quite a wide territory (for their size).

I've found that keeping more than one is better as although they don't school together, they are quite gregarious as far as puffers go.
You can keep them in a 2.5G ... however, like Minion said, the bigger the better :) When my male kept causing problems I moved him from my 15G to a 2.5G ... and how guilty I felt! He seemed to absolutely hate it because it was that small ... so I do think 5G would be better :) However, if its all you've got right now, and if they're still young, they'll be alright in there.
Do you have any petland stores near you Guppy Dude? I got a 5 gallon from them for 8 dollars, the 2.5's were the same price -_- :)

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