Dwarf Puffers


Aug 17, 2004
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Mesa, Arizona-US
I've had my puffers for a bit now, but I've noticed that sometimes they will kick it together all around the tank. Do they sometimes get the desire to school? 4 of them will usually be together, the one that doesn't is the one that I got after them (he's grayish in color too, is that bad? He's been that way since I got him). I thought DPs were territorial and will go after eachother. Sometimes mine do it, but i dunno. Anyone have this much luck with DPs? :alien:
well, when i just had a pair, they were always together, and never had issues (thoguh i was expecting it). then i had a group of four, and three always hung out together, one was kind of a loner.
Thanks MAM, I just wanted to make sure everything was cool with them. the water is fine so I didn't know if there could be something else (maybe they feel too crowded :rofl: ). Maybe I'll take out some of the fake plants if they don't need the line of sight broken up so much... :hyper:
keep the plants, gives them places to hide and to sleep (i had one that would sleep nestled between two leaves of a plastic amazon sword....... absoulutely hilarious)
yeah, there's still plenty of plants. There's still around 7 or 8 fake plants and 3 real plants...well 4 cuz I cut one down and planted the cuttings in another area... :whistle:
Blah, lets put it this way...
I have a 15 Gallon which had 3 dwarf puffers in it. Loads of plants, rocks, caves, flower pots etc :p ... there is the puffer that I call "meanie" he is twice the size of the others. 2 male and 1 female onfortunatly ... meanie and the female would bother chase this small male, so I put the male on his own in a smaller tank. Meanie and the female got along fine for a month, and now he doesnt stop chasing her. She's scared big time ... hides, but meanie will just chase her out. When cleaning the tank before she just bumped right into my boyfriends hand when she was getting chased again. So tomorrow meanie is going on his own, and I hope the other 2 will get along *sigh*

So no, I've not been that lucky :p Thats just 3 puffers! Dont wanna know what it would be like if I'd put them in a community tank!

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