dwarf puffers


Fish Herder
Apr 26, 2004
Reaction score
Central Coast, NSW Australia
i have just bought a new 24 gallon tank to replace my 15 gallon tank and eveything that is in the 15 gallon is going into my 24 gallon. when i have done that i will have an empty 15 gallon and i think if i move some stuff around in my room i will be able to fit that in there as well. im not sure what to put in it though. i was thinking fish, couple of hermit crabs or an axylotle thing (cant spell!). and then i thought dwarf puffers! i have no experience whatsoever with puffers of any sort. would dwarfs be good for a beginner? would they be alright in a 15 gallon tank?
Dwarfs would be the best puffer for someone with no experience with puffers. You could have 4 or 5 with lots of caves and plants for them to set up territories.
Aquascaper said:
I've just got two green spotted puffers for my 15g that was spare. They are brilliant fish and soooo amusing :D

Get some definitely
Aren't they great? I hate to nag you, and you probably already know, but you will need a 60 gallon for 2 GSP in the future..
thanks for the help :D . it would be a while until i get any though as i need more money and i want to get my 24 gallon sorted first. it will happen someday though!
something else i forgot to ask; i have never seen puffers of any sort in any quarium shop i have been into. do u think my lfs would order some in for me if i asked them? also are dwarfs expensive?
Most people say dwarfs aren't very expensive, only a few dollars, but at my LFS they're $6.99 each. Dwarfs are the most common fish in the aquarium trade, I believe, and most stores can get them one way or another.
I don't know how expensive they will be for you but Petsmart has them for 2 to 3 dollars.

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