Dwarf Puffers


Jun 18, 2004
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I have an eclipse 5 gallon tank that I just got. I was wondering what type of setup I should have for Dwarf Puffers.. I know already that they require a lot of hiding spots, but I don't want to get plants as they are high maintenence... Also if I'm living in Arizona and my house temperature is low humitity 80 degrees, do I need to heat the tank or cool it, and will I have high evaporation levels?
Fake plants are fine. The ones where the leaves form little cups are perfect places for dwarfs to sleep. Keep a heater to regulate the temperature at night, but 80 should be fine. Yes, you will have high evaporation. Just remember to do water changes in addition to water replaced to evaporation, or you will most likely get calcium buildup (or even nitrogen waste buildup since you have no plants). For a 5 gallon I would keep 2, maybe 3 puffers. A good rule is 2 gallons per fish. Good luck! :thumbs:
I'm tempted to get three as there will be exactly three at Petco on Wednesday!! Also, is there any products I should buy to help keep nitrite low? I have the pH testers but if something is too high do I just have to replace 20% of the water?

And could you possibly show me a picture of the plant you are describing? I'm going to get a fake one, but I really would like a comfortable enviroment for my puffers

Also, I want to know if a rock with two holes should be fine, but is there anything more exotic that I can design it with, because I'm looking to make a really fancy tank... Right now I have light and dark green gravel, and a reddish (fake) plant.

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