Dwarf Puffers


Fish Fanatic
Jan 14, 2012
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I've got three dwarf puffers and two of them are in perfectly good health and one of them looks extremely bloated. this is the best pic i can get of him or her sorry for the bad quality.

How much do you feed? Does he have any other symptoms? What are you water stats?
i do morning feed of quater a cube and take out what they dont eat in 5 mins and same half hour before the light goes out, it seems happy healthy appetite no swimming difficulty or bouyancy problems and i havent checked them as of late cos i have no test strips left. have you ever heard of obese puffers?

It's not obeseness, it is more than like bloat. What do you feed them on?

Try feeding every other day and see if it eases.
they are on frozen bloodworm and occasionally brine shrimp, ok i will try that and if you think of anything else that may help please let me know asap :)
Peas are usually suggested, but i doubt your Puffers would touch them, I know mine wouldn't.
ive heard peas are good, but i dont think mine will they are too keen on their bloodworms and other inverts, is there any water treatments that you can add for bloat ? and have you ever had that problem with your puffers?
Nope. I used to feed mine Prawns, but i have stopped now as i have read they're not advised. Cockles, Tilapia fillet and Coley are better.

Mine love Bloodworm especially.
do you ever feed them snails? mine absoloutely anhialated them when i put in 12 they lasted bout half hour :L only baby snails but still was great seeing them hunt :)
your fish might have droopy, but I can't tell by the pic, if the other fish are fine, this one might have caught an internal infection. but need a better image, any chance of one. Also, do the scales look parted?
no the scales look fine and ill try and get a better pic of him/her, but it seems to be changing size daily, one day she is rather large and the other a little skinnier and i just dont know what she is playing at.

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