Dwarf Puffers


Fish Crazy
Feb 16, 2009
Reaction score
Hull, East Yorkshire
Does anyone have any? How many should you keep together? Can they mix with other community fish or are they agresive?

Help please!
if i do say so my self... im an expert on keeping DP's i used to have them

they need about 5 gallons each. i had a 10 gallon but i had 3. its better to keep more females then males.

they like a ridiculously planted tank
here is a picture of one of my males i took. you can tell its a male because of the wrinkles around its eye


also, they are very messy eaters, often leave alot of food uneaten. they are very preditorial fish, just like all puffers are. they can only tollerate a few tank mates.. i had succsess with 2 ottos and ghost shrimp. but everyonce in a while when they get bored they would eat a ghost shimp. they love snails, but the snail has to be able to fit in their mouth or they wont eat it.. thats how i go the snail infestation that i have now, i put to big of snails in the tank and they didnt eat them. they nibbled at the meat when it was out, but as soon as they nipped it, it would go in the shell so they couldnt eat it.

heres my tank back when it was a Dwarf puffer tank... if you have any questions just ask :)

To add to that they are carnivorus, they like bloodworm(frozen). and love live brine shrimp, but i didnt have much success trying frozen with the dp i had. I would also suggest worming them as they can come in with parisites from the wild, i used WORMER PLUS. They need lots of little caves/crevices to explore, as pufferfish in general are very intelligent(for a fish) :)

ps. dont have an open topped aquarium, mine jumped :(

to add...

Dps can get bored very easily, thats why the need lots of plants and rocks and stuff to explore. ive also heard of some people changing their aquarum around once every couple months to keep them interested and for them to explore new places. i DO NOT reccomend this, they are preditorail fish like i said, and when you change the aquarium they will fight for new areas, they are going to do that anyway once the tank is set up. they will fight for dominiance, but that only happens once... so if you change the tank around itll happen again, and one might get killed.

there WILL be a dominiate.. its usually a male, but mine was a big female who as dominate.

to add about feeding, they simply will not eat flakes, and i had a hard time getting mine to eat frozen blood worms, they like seeing their food move, so i reccoemend only live food. live brine shrimp is fine but not a solid food, its just a lot of empty callories with no real vitemins or anything it.

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