Fish Gatherer

Well ive had my ten gallon set up for about a month now, used filter media from my old established tank so hopefully it should be coming along nicely and i am still agonising over what to stock it with.
The tank is a 10 gallon, taller than it is long. It will be quite heavily planted when my plants finally arrive.
Filtration seems decent, although it is a filter than came with the tank and i am concidering buying a second.
Anyway i went to the LFS yesterday and saw 2 different puffers. One was bright yellow and the others were alot duller.
I spoke to the man who said he had sold out of the yellow species in 24 hours and will be getting a new batch next sunday and to come in early if i want them. He also told me the yellow ones wernt aggressive to any of the fish in the tanks with them (including molly fry) and since i have always liked puffers i am thinking about going to get one or two next week.
I am just a little concerned with my tank being newly established as to whether this is a good idea or not.

Any other advice would be apreciated.