Dwarf Puffers


New Member
Oct 28, 2003
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Hi there, I'm not really experienced with the aquarium scene, or tropical fish, but this seems as good a place to ask as anywhere. Sorry if these don't fall into the tropical fish category :( I was wondering about dwarf puffers. Now, i've asked at many places and never quite gotten an answer.

I really want to know what is compatible with them, and every time I ask somewhere I only get people's personal stories about their own puffers, and no offense but they sort of go on about it, and never get around to answering my question. I need a little help here, so please be gentle ;)
go to the oddballs forum - they know all about puffer fish there :nod:
If your talking about the Indian Dwarf Puffer 'Tetraodon travancoricus' They can be kept with small fast tetras and barbs, but if properly fed with bloodworms, live and frozen and other meaty foods they shouldnt really bother most fish, just be careful if you have fish with long fins like angelfish or betta's or slow moving fish like discus. They are also partial to crunching on snails now and then, and do need something hard like snail shells to keep their 'beak' short or else it will keep growing.
If in doubt dont buy em, and these puffers should be kept in groups.

Dwarf puffers should really be kept in a species only tank and not with barbs! Barbs are too large and would pick on the puffers. Dwarfs only get to about an inch max and are very fragile. I wouldn't recomend anything with them except maybe some otos or ghost shrimp.
I'll just add to this a bit further, dwarfs are one of the more aggressive freshwater species and they hold grudges, especially when older, if another fish picks on them they may not react straight away but you'll probably wake up to find chunks taken out of the side of the fish or worse.

I totally agree with Ken that species tank is the safest although I do have some Ottos for ground cleaning and I intend to try a couple of ancistrus in the tank mainly because they keep themselves to themselves and don't move too much so don't attract much attention. I would be very cautious about adding any mid or top level fish.
The ottos tend to stay away and ignore the puffers although if one does come to close they're still quick enough to get out of the way. When I first put the puffers in they had a bit of a go at the ottos but that only lasted for a few hours they totally ignore them now. Mind you I've got enough problems finding them in the tank let alone the puffers :p

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