Dwarf Puffers

I'd say the biorb is probably not a great choice for DP's if you're planning on keeping more than one. I had 3 DP's in a 15us gal and this is only really possible because I keep it heavily planted and with lines of sight broken up. I would say the safest bet would be to keep just one, or be ready to seperate any that misbehave.
biorbs arernt really that great there expensive and rather small for that kind of price and being round and only having a small gap were you can enter it its very hard to plant which is what dps requires
Ideally you need a minimum of around 5UKG (27 Litres?) per dwarf puffer... I'd keep them on their own... they may be fine together as juveniles but there is a high chance that when older, they'll become aggressive to any other tank mates... I'm currently risking a DP with a small Otto for clean up duties (puffers are messy)... other people have success with this combo... but I'm prepared to one day look in the tank and see the Otto 'chewed'...

They also need a complex interior... firstly to give 'one' puffer plenty to keep him interested and inquisitive... and secondly, if you do decide to get more than one, a tank with many caves, hiding places, rocks, plants etc will keep the aggression down...

I doubt your biorbe has the dimensions for successfully achieving what you want... stick it on ebay and get a tank set up that will suit your (and more importantly the puffers) needs better......
whilst i accept your point my dad will not allow me to have a different tank its the biorb plus my community or just the community if i was to provide plenty of hiding places do you think it would be ok

p.s i apoligize if this thread is irratating
Dont get Dwarf Puffers. Theyre aggressive and even with the heavy planting and rocky hiding places the buggers will hunt eachother down and kill eachother. I had a 15gal setup with three of them - Im down to one now. The tank was heavily planted and had lots of pots and rocks in it (piles of rocks with lots of caves) and they still killed eachother.

DPs are a specialist fish really, and however cute and curious they are, theyre really not good fish for people to keep. As for an alternative... I really couldnt suggest a fish to go in a biorb tank because I dont think theyre good for fish.

Perhaps zebra danios. Theyre hardy fish and highly active, so will provide a lot of entertainment, especially when they display fight then forget what theyre doing.
veto on the danios. danios need a lot of swimming space; something no biorb would offer them.

you need something that stays small and is fairly sedentary.
Well... technically the 16gal biob does offer enough space for one. Theres a lot of split opinions on biorbs. My personal opinion is that theyre bad for fish generally, and Dwarf Puffers are a specialist fish to keep properly, even in a typical tank setup.

Id say no go for any puffer in a biorb - and also I didnt consider the swimming room for the Danios either, so Pica is right there too. Biorbs are just... not good IMO.
Well... technically the 16gal biob does offer enough space for one. Theres a lot of split opinions on biorbs. My personal opinion is that theyre bad for fish generally, and Dwarf Puffers are a specialist fish to keep properly, even in a typical tank setup.

Id say no go for any puffer in a biorb - and also I didnt consider the swimming room for the Danios either, so Pica is right there too. Biorbs are just... not good IMO.

I agree fully and as I said earlier I wouldn't recommend them for a puffer.

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