I'd debate these factors. The growth of a dwarf puffers teeth is slower than the species most associated with snail diets, such as the Colomesus asellus, and while I feed mine snails, I certainly wouldn't say it was an absolute necessity, I feed on the basis it's tricky to get them to feed on much that isnt live, and the snails mimic part of their diet in the wild (or at least I'd like to think so).
With regards to tankmates, the most frequent tankmates I've heard of with dwarf puffers are Otos, Bumblebee gobys and live shrimp that they have decided not to eat. Corys are one of the tankmates I would have thought would have been picked on in particular, and I know I have seen other puffer owners having difficulty in keeping any bottom dwelling species with their fish.
Bubble bee gobys are actually BW fish and shouldn't be with dwarf puffers. Sorry