Dwarf Puffers with Ich, any ideas?


New Member
May 17, 2003
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I've tried malachite green for a week, and I have tried removing the water and sterilizing the tank, put I cannot get the cysts to stop attaching to my 2 dwarf puffers. Temp is 80F, water is clean. Any advice quickly please!!!
Dwarf Puffers are sensitive to meds and the Malachite Green may be too strong and actually burning their skin, I'm not too experienced with puffer diseases (fortunately my little guys seem pretty rugged) but try Aquariacentral.com and look in the Brackish Water section of their forums, there are some very knowledgeable people there when it comes to puffers and they should be able to recomend a proper course of action.


I did a little more checking and have seen experienced puffer keepers recomend that you give the FW puffers a salt bath (I have never tried this so don't know how much salt, but I would guess low brackish 1.005 or so) for 3-5 mins and raise the temp in their tank to 82F or more.
Are you sure it's Ich, is there any fuzzyness or redness around the white spots? If so then it would be a fungal infection and would probably respond better to something like Maracyn-two.



p.s. Just discovered a new Forum dedicated to Puffers, seems to be run by a lot of the same puffer keepers that were on Aquariacentral Puffer Forum
i can't give u any help cause my 2 clown loach died a few days ago cause of ich so, i can't give u tips cause i can't even heal my clowns! :-( :sad:
Hey Kevin: I had hell with clown loaches myself. How long had you had yours? In any case, I've since had great luck with Aquarisol on them. No idea how that would work or not for puffers though.

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