Dwarf Puffers With Corydora?


New Member
Feb 28, 2012
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I'm planning a 29 gallon, planted dwarf puffer aquarium. It will have double filtration, I'd like a bottom feeder since dps are messy eaters. I'm thinking about getting 5-6 either panda cories or julii cories, would they work with dwarf puffers? I also read on a few websites that oto catfish make good tank mates? Another thing how many dps could I get for a 29 gallon with 3 otos and 5 cories and double filtration (canister filter).
One more thing; I read that they need snails to help keep their teeth down, how often should I give them to them? Should I just put in a few and let them breed or what?
From personal experience, cories are not suitable tank mates but obviously a lot depends on temperaments of your DPs. You could try keeping a breeding colony of cherry shrimps or a few big Amano shrimps instead of the cories.

I would think about 6-8 DPs should be fine in a 29 gallon. They do need snails for their teeth but you won't be able to breed them in the same tank (except MTS) since the snails would be decimated in no time. Keep a separate snail hatchery for that. Just feed them a few baby snails each a couple of times a week. They absolutely love snails.
Isnail has given fantastic advice, my input is my puffers would not tolerate cories either, I have heard various success with otos but puffers are so individual it is up to you to decide if to try and react quickly if it does not happen the right way. Best of luck, will be a beautiful setup :)

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