I'm planning a 29 gallon, planted dwarf puffer aquarium. It will have double filtration, I'd like a bottom feeder since dps are messy eaters. I'm thinking about getting 5-6 either panda cories or julii cories, would they work with dwarf puffers? I also read on a few websites that oto catfish make good tank mates? Another thing how many dps could I get for a 29 gallon with 3 otos and 5 cories and double filtration (canister filter).
One more thing; I read that they need snails to help keep their teeth down, how often should I give them to them? Should I just put in a few and let them breed or what?
One more thing; I read that they need snails to help keep their teeth down, how often should I give them to them? Should I just put in a few and let them breed or what?