Dwarf Puffers What Do They Eat And How Often In A 3 Gal


Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears.Beets.Battlestar
Oct 7, 2008
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what do dp's eat and how often
i pretty sure its blood worms and snails
but anything else
and how much how often

yup DPs eat bloodworm they love it! and snails so that it wears down theyre teeth as theyre constantly growing!

are you just having one? cause if so then its probably the same as what you would feed your other fishies! [ie as much as he can eat in 2 mins, so you might wanna get a big black of bloodworm if youre feeing frozen so you can break it off in small chunks, unless youre gonna give some to any otehr hungry fishes then its okay!] in my experience they are really picky so bloodworm is the only thing that they will take!

once a day [is what we feed at work] but you might wanna do it every oterh day so he doesnt become a piggy lol
so would pond snails be ok even if like 1-2cm big
are frozen blood worms ok and if i gave some frozen blood worms every other day and should i just put like a frozen block in to blunt there beeks or defrost it like i do normally
and like 1 snail a week or every day or what
always defrost in tank water. Best to chop block with sharp knife into halves or thirds. Have a special container for feeding, get some tank water, thaw the block and then use dropper or spoon to put into tank. Mine usually have 3 bloodworm, I have been naughty and feeding every day except Sundays but plan to cut back as mine are right piggies.

Pond snails should be fine, general rule of thumb size of their eye to crunch apparently, otherwise if too big will suck them out or nip at them in bits and pieces.

Snails you wouldn't need to feed everyday, maybe twice a week, I have not had a constant supply for mine only rare occasions and they have been fine, changing that now as have snail critter keeper tank.

A blister pack of bloodworm will last you a looonnnggg time. Maybe to start feed every other day, you will soon learn they are quite the artists of begging, can't watch mine anymore without the begging!

p.s. definately defrost, read somewhere it is bad to drop in a cube and to thaw in their bellies..

Also if you get picky eater, they can't resist live bloodworm or blackworm.

live bloodworm packs 99p, blister packs £2.50ish to give idea ( I have a...think its a 12 blister pack and not even a third of the way through and have had 3 months with 4 puffs!) They do not starve and are on the podgy side.

Lastly lastly, from what I have read (please correct me experts please as still fairly new) DPs don't grow as fast as the others such as F8s and SAPs if concerned about their beaks.
so 3 blood worms seems very small amount
i defrost bloodworms in saltwater for my marine could i just tweeze 3 out and put em in or would the salt effect them
yours may need more! mine get full quick and also they are the pigs! You may be surprised to see how quick their bellies get so big! They grow to about an inch in length and I think you will love one!

Mine are: Piggy, princess, main man and mini man - even my partner can tell them all apart!

I did the mistake when I first got them of dumping bloodworm in then having a huge panic with a net as I watched in horror their waistlines expand. I had visions of my first fish exploding! (which incidentally they can do as their temperaments may mean they don't know when to stop eating. Others are good little puffs and eat till they are full). So you may not want to go with how much they can eat in two minutes thingy, mine eat 3 in 3 secs, I have tried more and then regretted it. trial and error!

Hope that helps :)

Good people to ask as well are Jennybugs, iSnail and Bagu (hope you don;t mind me mentioning you! if you would like a consensus, believe one of them has bred them). Also if you have more Q's on DPs probably best to post in Oddball Section as might be picked up more easily by the bespotted DP owners :)

Can promise you will not regret one of these fabby fish

As to the salt..(sorry missed that bit!) unsure.. small amounts may not but you could always just wash the fresh tank water over them to be sure.
with mine i used to have...

she used to eat bloodworms, daphnia and shrimp =]

feed every other day; you'll understand!

once mine ate 3 bloodworms her belly was hugeeee! :wub: so you wanna keep it sensible and not to overfeed them.

lilacamy931 seems to have got everything bang in the middle though =]

i always used to drain the salt water or water the bloodworms were in though =]

they will (well mine used to ^^) go around and peck lava rock a few times a week; i had her for a long time and never had any beak troubles; you can add a few snails a week though; its great fun to watch! :D

all the best =]
oh thats great thanks
also what plants should i use
also what plants should i use

hey mate

the more variety the better imho

i have all sorts in mine; so whatever you like :)

mine used to like Vallis as it used to snuggle in the bottom of it =]
thanks sorry just pmed you same question thanks
just pmed you lilacamy931
LOL hello! Just to put on here for others. DPs will most likely try anything, if it is too big for them (say large snails) they will probably pick at it till it dies, always remember to remove dead things as it will pollute the water. Certain things like Krill unsure of, I would think they would give it a go!

p.s. thanks bagu for above comment :) Any ideas on krill?

Mine so far have eaten daphnia, brineshrimp, bloodworm, snails (small and one large). Personally was going to try a pea today to see if they like their veggies, but not sure on krill.
well thanks everyone (lilacamy931+bagu) theres a few pest snails in there already so will he be ok if he eats a few if not ill have to fish them out

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