Dwarf Puffers Loving It Up!

Awww..... so cute :wub: I love watching my puffs "at it". That's probably the only time they ignore my presence :lol:

You have some chubby puffers :D What's your feeding regime, if you don't mind telling me?
Awww..... so cute :wub: I love watching my puffs "at it". That's probably the only time they ignore my presence :lol:

You have some chubby puffers :D What's your feeding regime, if you don't mind telling me?

Sure. They feed on a mix of mainly bloodworms (Hikari UV steralised), snails and seafood.
I am lucky to have my house on the beach here in Japan (pacific) and work in the fishing industry. (I repair boat and ship engines).
My customers are shallow fishermen (kelp, shrimp) and also deep sea fishermen, and they are always supplying us with a great assortment of octopus, squid, shrimps, crabs, clams etc. So I feed this to my puffers. They especially love the octopus and crab.
The amano shrimp also really enjoy bits of cut up shrimp . . . (seems very disturbing to me!) with the seafood, i chop bits up, rinse and pop it in the tank and let them fill up on it. Then take out any remains.
With the bloodworms I feed individually with tweezers untill they have no interest.
Is the Dwarf Puffer the same as the Pygmy Puffer?? Also, does it matter when putting a pair into one tank whether it is 2 males or 2 females?

Defo getting some of these for my new tank set-up that I am putting together, roll on end of January/early February when it is all set-up!
Is the Dwarf Puffer the same as the Pygmy Puffer?? Also, does it matter when putting a pair into one tank whether it is 2 males or 2 females?

Defo getting some of these for my new tank set-up that I am putting together, roll on end of January/early February when it is all set-up!

I think they are known as pygmys?
Jere in Japan they are more commonly known as Dwarf Fugu or Puffers.

As for pairs, there is always aggresion risks with DPs. But you can usually get away with keeping more than 1 with no problems.
It is heavily advised to keep 1 DP per 5 gallons of tank, and if you are keeping more than 1, make sure you do it at a ratio of 2/3 females to 1 male.
And make sure it is heavily planted and ornamented to give them plenty of places to hide and claim as their teritory.

Hope that helps.
awwwww how cute - hope you have some barry white playing

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