Dwarf puffers any info on size?


New Member
Mar 6, 2004
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Northern Ireland
Hi fish friends,

I have just aquired two dwarf puffa fish, (24/04/04) i was told by the shop keeper that these fish were ok in a community tank, and that you had to give them bloodworm.
After reading some of your articals on them, i am wondering if they are going to be ok in my set up, i have; corries (panda, albino) ancistrus, neons, cardinals, black tetra & two golden rams in a jewel 180ltr.
One other thing is size they might aquire? i do have a two foot tank i could set up if these fish are not going to be compatable.

Any replies much appreciated!

i have nevcer kept puffers but ive read they can be quite the fin nippers and r best kwpt in a species tank and they like to eat snails
The puffers will get to be about an inch long, and they need to be in their own tank or else they will start shredding fins.
hay, daz1234d I've kept these fish before and they might nip some of the fins of the other fish but besides that they will eat just about anything and they do like snails and but beware of the fact that they might nip the fins of the other fish, but they might not because mine never did that to my other fish except for my 4 inch pleco. 8)
They will not be ok in a community tank at all. They are best suited for a species tank.

They will be about 1" long when fully grown.

They need a diet of frozen bloodworms as well as some snails once or twice a week to keep their teeth worn down.
as said, they are best kept in a species tank. they can be quite the fin nippers. they also need plenty of plant coverage and caves and such so they can set up territories. they might be okay with some of your tankmates, but you may find tetras with nipped fins. my concern would be your rams, they won't take too kindly to the puffers i'm sure. puffers do best (though some people have gotten lucky), with slow moving fish, that don't attract the puffers attention, such as plecs or otos. panda cories are usually active little buggers, may be asking for trouble. for a beginner though, species only is best.

they NEED snails to keep their beaks filed down

they WILL NOT eat flakes usually. frozen bloodworm, frozen or live brine shrimp as a treat, tubifex worms, mussel, etc are all good foods. mine tend to prefer live foods so i trick them with the frozen foods by dumping them over top an airstone. but live tubifex worms are their favorite (you just have to be careful, they could introduce parasites.....).

with just two, you could easily keep them in their own 10 gal or even 5 gal tank, provided you have plenty of plants and caves and such. they are great little fish with tons of personality. they will only grow 1 inch as said.

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