dwarf puffer


New Member
Jan 3, 2005
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im just starting to get my 29 started jut wondering about getting a couple of dwarf puffers but will they be ok with my tigar barbs?
No, they wont be. Sorry
Tiger barbs are known for their nipping behaviour, and so are puffers. Putting these 2 together will be a lethal combination and 1's gonna die.

The rule for puffers is " keep them in a species only tank " ... they are simply too aggressive to safely be kept with anything else
Not 100% sure on plecos but I know ottos are, so plecos should be alright...
All dwf puffers are different but i keep 1 in a 10 gallon with cory catfish and guppies and they don't have issues as long as there are plenty of snails for the puffer to go after and lots of plants to hide under.
GuppyDude said:
so nothing can be kept with dwarf puffers? not even plecos or corys?
It really depends on how lucky you get in the personality of the dwarf puffer :)
Corydoras is not recommended, because pretty much all puffers go for them.
Bristlenose plecs and ottos are often tolerated by the dwarf puffers, but I say often ... not always. There is still a chance that your puffer will go after the otos or plec and cause a lot of stress.

Its all trial and sometimes error with puffers

Also, another fish that is often kept with dwarf puffers and seems to pull off being fine is freshwater bumblebee gobies. People think its their colour that makes them safe, I dont know ... all I know is that I've never heard of any puffer attacking a bumblebee goby :)
I put my most of my tiger barbs in my tank while it was cycling. After it was done I added the 5 DP's. I've had no problems. I may have just gotten lucky though ;)
my girlfriend loves bumble bee gobies can any one tell me where i can buy some in the us or know of a web site? fresh water gobies please

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